Are you bonefide?

(Romans 12:9) starts like this, “Let love be genuine.” I’ve been thinking about this lately. How does our love for one another become genuine? Paul is writing to the Romans and has already broken down the gospel and in this passage he is writing about what a real Christian looks like. Other versions of this verse say “love must be without hypocrisy.” It is interesting that this is the first mark of a Christian that Paul mentions. Remember that the greatest command from God is to love Him with all your soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:37-29). Let this love be genuine; toward God and people. Here is the opposite of genuine. Hypocritical, dishonest, fake, unreal… Followers of Jesus prove their genuineness as they willfully give all for the one the believe is true. Luke 9:3-6 gives an example of how willing Jesus’s followers were to give all that they had to follow their savior and bring the message of salvation to the world. Another example of a guy who was willing to give his life for the advancement of the gospel is Stephen in Acts 7:54-60. To be genuine does not necessarily mean to go die for what you believe in, but rather to be willing, in every way to let go of self and cling to God, even if that means death. This is the only way we can truly love, and truly be genuine and real. I realized a long time ago that I cannot love without God. In fact, when I was lost in sin I hated people. It wasn’t until I began clinging to God that I was able to show love and mercy to those around me.

Now, I want to ask myself this question… Is my love for God genuine? Do I wake up every morning a hypocrite or a bonefide follower of Jesus Christ? Check the rest of Romans 12:9-21 and Luke 9:23.

Life is (almost) Boring

Put a frame around this: I was sitting in church today, and I was bored. End frame.
I was bored with the music always having ‘love’ and the same Em chord. Then always followed by a solid, but always applicable message. I’ve been complaining recently about how bored I am of American food. I’m bored with the weather. Christmas music. Love songs. People complaining about politics. My wardrobe. Anything resonating with you? I don’t even think bored is the right word. It’s more like: I’ve been there, it was fun, but I want something new.
And so I’m sitting in church, mind wandering far away, making a mental list of how much is just plain old after you have experienced it a couple of times. My new hypothesis almost collapsed as my mind continued on its journey and I realized that relationships have never got boring or old. I think it’s the one thing (maybe the only thing) that, at least for me, has never gotten old. People are so intricate, messy and different. Being with people (hopefully) will never get boring, repetitive or old.

What time is it? Adventure time! Let us do the one thing that hasn’t gotten old!

Widening Perspectives


The other day after I finished spending four hours working on a map for bicyclists, I was mentally drained. The only thought that came to my head was, “I need to get out of this building and spend some time with God.” I decided to start biking westward. I was excited. Finally, I could rest. I rode to the beginnings of a dirt road that leads to a beautiful overlook of the most prominent mountain outside of town. Unfortunately the road was closed. I was bummed, but still excited to bike. So, I continued on.

I began praising God for the privilege of living where I live. As well for His love, grace, and acceptance. It is such joy spending time with the Father. After awhile my prayers turned to anger and sadness, as I realized  how many people in the world are indeed lost. I vented to God about my friends, family, and the people in the world who do not know or trust in Him.

Not only are they separated from Him, but they are stuck in a deep pit of sin. Their lives are in shambles. Their hearts are torn. They have no hope. They have no joy. Families are broken and ripped apart. Men and women are slaves to their feelings and emotions. They’re slaves and lack understanding. They’re hurt and lack healing. They’re dead and do not know the way, truth, or life.

Great compassion comes over me when I think of this reality. I get down on my self because I feel like I could do more, share more, love more. The truth of it all is this, if I don’t believe the gospel is true, if I don’t believe these people are suffering from slavery to their sin, then I have no reason to do anything. The closer we get to the heart of God, the more we think His thoughts, seek His will, and desire to be like Him. -Pastor Paul

Today, for a moment, I forgot who I was. For a moment I forgot how much the Creator of the entire earth loves me, and all humanity. I do not want to loose the vision. I do not want to forget the reality of how great our God is.

I challenge everyone who reads this to think about what their living for. Are you living for yourself or for God? Then, seek to live a life glorifying God daily, seeking to help others in their walk and understanding of who God is, and lastly seeking to love and serve God faithfully. This is the vision.

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