We can know God!

Wow, to think we can actually know God. What a thought. What a beautiful reality. The God who created everything; the whole universe. The God who created man. Oh, what a thought. Man and woman, created in such a way that they, from the beginning, could walk with God.

We know the rest of the story. Man and woman disobeyed and evil entered. But, from that point on God began a desperate pursuit to restore the relationship, because He really loves us. He went to such extremes as to even allow His only son to take the full punishment for our disobedience. Death.

And to think God was willing to do all that so we could know Him – be forgiven by Him. Is this hitting you right now? Is it crushing to think God did this for us?

Think on this story for a moment: A man cheated on his wife; he has three kids. The man realizes his terrible actions and begins to seek restoration. He starts with his wife. He tells her everything. He apologizes and begs for forgiveness. He then goes to his kids, one by one as they grow old enough to understand for themselves. One of the kids really resents his father and it takes years for the relationship to be restored. His daughter no longer trusts him, and even thinks that he could be some pervert who may have treated her wrongly as a kid. The other son forgives him right away but then later comes to resent him and again it takes year’s for their relationship to be restored. The father was completely honest with his family even though it was a huge risk and cost him a lot.

I read basically the same story in “Scary Close” by Donald Miller. The story feels fitting to paint the image of forgiveness and restoration, and how through restoration a relationship can be closer and stronger then ever before… What I didn’t share is that the father in the story was wholeheartedly forgiven; restoration did take place, and I wept right there reading the story in Starbucks. It didn’t all happen right away, but his family forgave him. Restoration happened and it all started as the father took a big risk by being honest.

What does this have to do with knowing God, though? Well, I believe we’ve all in some way cheated on God. We’ve carved images in our minds or put money and other things above Him. We’ve even manipulated Him to be what we want Him to be… We’ve said we believe in Him, we love Him, and we’ve even really sought to know Him, but still (at least for me) come to points in life where there’s yet again something else getting in the way…

God took a risk, and sacrificed His son so that we could be totally forgiven and restored to Him. Now, all He desires is that we take a risk, ask for forgiveness, and pursue reconciliation with Him. Maybe this is a daily thing. In John Chapter 3 verse 30 John writes, “He (God) must increase, but I must decrease.” We must take risks to decrease. To replace God with the things that we’ve put before Him means decreasing, and having complete trust that God want’s to be totally connected to us.

Taking a risk like this is what I think could be the next step for many. For me, I’m asking myself, and God, what have I put above Him/you?

See, I’m at a place in my life where I don’t want to settle for the marginalized Christian life of Church on Sundays and Bible study on Wednesdays. Or a 5 minute devo in the mornings… And I don’t want to settle for the “easy life” that just “get’s me by…” I want to take risks for God. I want to be intentional with my relationships. I want to be wholly honesty and wholly human to those around me.

If your in a similar place please share what you’re doing to seek God these days? What has God put on your heart that you want to take a risk on? Where do you need to be completely honest with God?



Oh, beautiful faith

Hebrews 11 outlines faith. The writer mentions a number of people who lived, died, and are now with the Lord because of their faith. Even though none of them received the “things promised,” they all knew God and faithfully trusted that, if they “seek Him, they will find Him.”

Those that have faith don’t look back. Just as Lot didn’t look back when leaving Sodom, so do all who have faith. Our salvation and desire to be with our heavenly Father is not DEPENDENT on what we do, it is 100% dependent on faith in Him. See, there’s a lot of suffering in this world. What’s going to keep us (believers) to keep on keepin’ on? What’s going to keep us passionate about making disciples, sharing the gospel, or being selfless in the midst of uneasy situations? What’s going to keep us from looking or going back to our old way of life? The answer is faith. Trust God. Trust that He has the best interests in mind for your life! That even when you’re suffering He still cares for you and desires the best for you. Even if the best may not be what you think is the best. Our hope is not of this world it is eternal.

Here’s a break down of a guy’s life named Jeremiah. His story is in the Old Testament of the Bible. Jeremiah prophesied hard things that people didn’t want to hear, and he suffered for it. There’s a verse that is often used all over the world to tell people about Gods plans for your life. Plans to prosper, plans for welfare not for evil. The verse is Jeremiah 29:11. The reality of this verse is it may be less about your life, and more about what God can do. God is telling Jeremiah who has been persecuted and threatened with death, to tell those kicked out of Jerusalem; that God’s plans are greater than anything they could imagine. Lets look at this verse and what surrounds it and remember to have faith that God is bigger than our circumstances.

Tonight a friend of mine reminded me that joy and spiritual well-being should not be dependent on circumstances, but on the fact that through faith we can be new in Christ. Through faith we are saved from the law of sin and death and NOW, there is no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God is transforming and changing all who have faith for better, not worse. We have this choice, to continue forward in our relationship with God IN FAITH, or to step backwards in faithlessness.

The greatest thing about our faith in God is this: Even when we are faithless, God is faithful. So, we can know for certain that even when we struggle, God is still pursuing us. He is still with us and He is ready to pick us up when we get out of the boat and start sinking! Wow, doesn’t that make you want to continue on even more. It does for me. Trust God tomorrow. Give Him your life and don’t look back on your old one. Read Hebrews 11 and be inspired to continue following Christ in every area of your life.

Check Matt 14:22-33 and 2 Tim 2:13

We do nothing | He does everything

I was reading Daniel this morning and read this prayer. Daniel prays this in Chapter 9 verse 18 and 19, “O My God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see our desolation’s, and the city that is called by your name. for we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.” Daniel understood the fact that it is only by Gods great mercy that He listens and responds to our prayer.  Jerusalem and Gods people are at a pretty low point and Daniel is pleading on their behalf. Looking at this prayer in the context of my own life, I see a lost university and people who are spiritually dead and the only way any one can be saved is through Gods great mercy. It is nothing I do. Maybe God decides to use me to show His loving kindness and to testify to the gospel of salvation though Jesus, but outside of that salvation is only through His mercy.

The other day I went on a tour of the Black Hills with a large group of International students. On this trip I was able to sit next to one Korean friend who does not believe in Jesus. The whole day was spent joking around, talking about family or girls, and just spending time with each other. It was a great day of building our friendship. The last 20 or so minutes of the bus ride quickly became the most exciting part of the whole trip, as my friend asked one very interesting question. He asked, “what do you live for?” Through this question, myself and another believer were able to explain that we live to honor God in all that we do, and to follow Jesus every day of our lives. He continued to ask us questions and the gospel was shared, and the reality of following Jesus became a new knowledge to our friend.

This conversation was not about me, or my other believing friend; it was about this Korean that God loves and desires to call to Himself. l am often reminded every time I get to share my faith, whether my testimony or the full gospel, that ultimately it is because of Gods great mercy that He hears, saves, and forgives.


No Heart | No Action

Where there is no heart, nothing gets changed. We are driven by our heart’s. My entire life is driven by my heart.  College is about finding something you love to do and make good money while doing it. Relationships are driven by heart. Inventors, musicians, artists, engineers, doctors, and teachers are driven by the heart; in fact I would argue that our heart’s determine how we live.

An example is the international ministry on our campus. When two of us had a heart for it, we did some international ministry. But now that we have many with the same heart, we have (thanks mostly to the Father) a growing and cool international ministry. People having a heart for something is how things are changed. Look at history. Look in your own life.

Here’s the catch. We always have a heart for something. The gamer has a heart for video games, the athlete has a heart for sports, and the teacher for his/her children. Those without a specific passion just have a divided heart: hanging out, Facebook, work, school, or beauty.

Let us have a heart for reaching the world. Let us invest our money, our time, and the other things that determine our lives with into the lives of those around us. Your heart will always be chasing something, aim it on Jesus.

“Where you direct your attention your desire will follow.”

Bent on Liberation

Here is the picture: three guys, 12:45am, banana bread in the oven, and a call from a female friend with car troubles. Within two minutes we were speeding to the rescue: coat hanger in hand to fix the dragging muffler. Why? Because we are men. Wired to love the adventure and especially the rescue. Rescue makes us feel alive.

If we dare to look into the heart of God, we behold the same passion. Even at a glance we see His heart to rescue each of us. We are running in circles, either oblivious to our lostness or embracing it.  And here is God, watching us and executing His rescue plan. He dishes out His justice, that we deserved, on His son; but that is only the beginning. Not satisfied with only taking our sin, He reveals Himself to us. He makes us righteous. He gives us a book that explains the rescue. He is here desiring to rescue us. Lengthening our lives and extending His hands. If our friend hadn’t called we wouldn’t have rescued her, but because she wanted help we were there. Knocking at the door, He patiently waits for us to want liberation, and wants nothing more than the rescue.

It’s neat how we are made in God’s image and reflect to some extent His qualities.

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