We ache for fulfillment!

We just crave to be fulfilled. Crave it more than anything. Our childhood dreams, the term, “happily ever after”, the American dream, in all these things we seek to be fulfilled. All of them will disappoint us. So we’ll either give up and distract ourselves passively, or we will continue to pursue these things until it’s all we can think about and essentially distract ourselves in that way.

So what does fulfill us? Sometimes I don’t even know… I could say, only in God do we find fulfillment. But what does that mean?

So here is my thought of the night. Being real with people and/or being real with God is how I experience fulfillment. Being real. Real is fulfilling. I’ve read my bible and not been fulfilled. But have I been real and not been fulfilled? Not that I can remember. Sometimes it can hurt, or leave you frustrated, confused or any number of emotions; but God gives fulfillment in being real.

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